

Page history last edited by Steven A Carr 4 months ago

Steven Alan Carr's Wiki

Steven Alan Carr is Graduate Program Director and Professor of Communication at Purdue University Fort Wayne, a 2002-03 Center for Advanced Holocaust Studies Postdoctoral Fellow at the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington DC, a 2010-11 Loewenstein-Wiener Marcus Research Fellow at the American Jewish Archives, and Director of the PFW Institute for Holocaust and Genocide Studies. He received his M.A. from Northwestern University in 1987 and a Ph.D. from the University of Texas at Austin in 1994, both in Radio-Television-Film. Reviews of my first book, Hollywood and Anti-Semitism: A Cultural History up to World War II (Cambridge U P, 2001), have appeared in CommentaryThe ForwardThe London Review of BooksThe New Republic, and The Washington Post. My present project, which explores the response of the American film industry to the growing public awareness of the Holocaust, received an award from the National Endowment for the Humanities in 2002.


Full CV


Candidate Statement for Promotion from Associate Professor to Full Professor


Annual Reports: 20142013201220112010


For General Audiences


"Making Master Race Great Again." Against the Current 202 September/October 2019. 6-7.


"How to Teach Genocide in the Age of Social Media." Invited Presenter. Genocide in the Middle East Curriculum Development Workshop. The Hamilton Lugar School of Global and International Studies Center for the Study of the Middle East. Indiana U - Bloomington. 6 Apr. 2019.


"'It Will Provide a Beautiful and Moving Framework Into Which the Distressed Masses May Fit the Leaden and Prosaic Stereotypes of the Jew-Haters': The Exhibition of Power (1934) and the Response of the Los Angeles Jewish Community."  Screening and invited presentation for Congregation Achduth Vesholom, Fort Wayne IN.  8-9 Feb 2014.  Rev. of:

  • Propaganda and Prejudice: Hollywood's Alliance With the Los Angeles Jewish Community Committee, 1933-1945.  Invited presentation for the Fort Wayne International Affairs Forum 18 Nov. 2013.  Fort Wayne IN.


Panelist for "Remembering the Holocaust in Literature, Film, and Theology."  Bethel U, Minneapolis MN.  6 Feb. 2014.


Women's History Month at IPFW op-ed, The Journal Gazette 29 March 2013.


"Anti-Semitism, Censorship, and The Great Dictator (1940) in Hollywood."  Invited presentation for Temple Beth Israel, Pomona CA.  5 Mar. 2013.


"Complicated Dictator: The Untold Story of the Concentration Camp Scenes from Charlie Chaplin’s 1940 Hollywood Anti-Fascist   Comedy That Audiences Never Saw."  Screening and invited presentation for Congregation Achduth Vesholom, Fort Wayne IN.  9-10 Feb. 2013.


Panelist for Is There an American Nation?  IPFW College of Arts and Sciences UC2 Roundtable 22 Jan 2013.  Fort Wayne IN.


Social Media and the 2012 Election.  IPFW College of Arts and Sciences Brown Bag Lunch Discussion 17 Oct. 2012.  Fort Wayne IN.


Letter to the editor on "faith-based boycotts."


Introduction for filmmaker Sandra Schulberg and Nuremberg: Its Lesson for Today, Cinema Center Downtown, Fort Wayne IN, 15 Sep. 2011.


Panelist for 9/11: Reflections on 10 Turbulent Years.  University Community Conversation (UC2) 7 Sept. 2011.  Indiana U - Purdue U Fort Wayne.


Holocaust and Jewish-Themed Films Not on DVD: An Endangered Species List.


"Eichmann TV and the Globalization of Holocaust Memory."  The Eichmann Trial as Media Event.  The Eichmann Trial in International Perspective: Impact, Developments, and Challenges.  Berlin, Germany, 26 May 2011.


"Hollywood, Nazism, and Globalization: Popular Culture and the Birth of the Holocaust Film, 1933-1945."  The American Jewish Archives Loewenstein-Wiener Research Fellowship Seminar.  Cincinnati OH, 16 May 2011.


Introduction for filmmaker Rex Bloomstein, 4 Apr. 2011.


Letter to the Editor and 2009 op-ed on investing Fort Wayne's trust fund for renewable energy


Lectures and presentations given in Ottawa ON Canada 22-24 Nov 2010.


Draft Op-Ed on IPFW Holocaust education Nov 2010.


Introduction for Ken Auletta, IPFW 7 Oct 2010.


Notes for Panel Discussion on Little Town of Bethlehem IPFW 5 Oct 2010


Letter to the Editor 28 Mar 2010: On March 26, the Journal Gazette published two news stories more...


Hollywood and the Holocaust - Panel Discussion with Stuart Klawans and Alan Mintz, Rutgers U, New Brunswick NJ, 11 Mar. 2010.


Netflix Queue (rss)

For Faculty and Students Related to Teaching


Courses I teach



A blog devoted to thinking about the effective use of film and media to teach the Holocaust.


For guest lecture on Propaganda, IPFW, Fort Wayne IN.  1 Apr. 2013.


Invited guest lecture on All Quiet on the Western Front (1930).  Claremont McKenna College, Claremont CA.  5 Mar. 2013.


The 2012 Last Lecture: Clicked to Death: How the Technology-Educational Complex Is Destroying Higher Education, and What You Can Do About It.


The Hollywood Studio System and Vertical Integration concept map.


Statement accompanying application to a position as an IPFW Blackboard Fellow.  Initially a two year commitment, the program began in January 2012 before ending in August 2012 due to budget cuts.  Up until that point, faculty and others regularly evaluated my service.


COM 500 Introduction to Graduate Studies Presentation.  IPFW.  Fort Wayne IN.  27 Oct. 2011.


Tips for Taking a Sabbatical.  RE: Visioning Your Sabbatical: Reaping Rewards in All Its Stages.  RE:Visioning U.  The IPFW 2011 Fall Teaching Conference.  Fort Wayne IN.  18 Aug. 2011.


Beyond Triumph of the Will: Teaching Holocaust Media Literacy in the Age of YouTube - Presentation to Belfer First Step Midwest Regional Conference, Fort Wayne IN, 15 Apr 2011.  Rev. of presentation to Belfer Next Step Indianapolis Regional Conference, Indianapolis IN, 29 June 2010.


Fort Wayne Movie History - Class project documenting the city's exhibition history during the early part of the 20th century.


Teaching the Holocaust Through Film - draft in progress for revised edition of Teaching and Studying the Holocaust, Samuel Totten and Stephen Feinberg, eds. (Boston MA: Allyn, Bacon, 2001).


Post-Film Discussion of Europa, Europa (1990; Orion, 1991) at IPFW, Fort Wayne IN, 15 Sep. 2010.


Graduate School: The What, How, and Why - Presentation delivered for COM Week, Indiana U - Purdue U Fort Wayne, 24 Mar 2010.


For Scholarly Audiences | Full CV


Unpublished Work


Hollywood and the Holocaust: A Cultural History Up to 1949  - Proposal for a book-length manuscript.


"'I Am Not Certain C.C. Is Not a Jew': Reception, Perception, and the Identity Politics of Charlie Chaplin's Jewishness During the Making of The Great Dictator (United Artists, 1940)." The Sixth Biannual Conference of the Reception Study Society. Indiana U - Purdue U Fort Wayne, Fort Wayne IN. Proposed.


"'Yanks Held by Nazis See Newest U.S. Pix': Film Exhibition in German Prisoner of War Camps."  2015 Society for Cinema and Media Studies Conference.  Fairmont The Queen Elizabeth, Montreal, Quebec, Canada.  Rejected.


"Judging WWII Hollywood and the Jews: Cinema Studies and Recent Debates Over History and Accountability."  Workshop Proposer and Chair.  2014 Society for Cinema and Media Studies Conference.  Sheraton Seattle, Seattle WA.  20 Mar. 2014.


"Hollywood, Nazism, and the Motion Picture Division of the Los Angeles Jewish Community Committee, 1938-1946."  War and Film.  2014 Society for Cinema and Media Studies Conference.  Sheraton Seattle, Seattle WA.  19 Mar. 2014. Rev. of:


"We Have No Right to Assert That This Is Reality Precisely Because It Is a True Story": Michael Verhoeven and the Taste Politics of the Late Foreign Holocaust Art Film.  The Nasty Past: Memory and History in the Holocaust Films of Michael Verhoeven.  Eleventh Annual Cultural Studies Conference.  Cultural Studies Association. Chicago IL.  24 May 2013.


Reconstructing Zelig: Identity Politics, Woody Allen, and the Rise of Celebrity Verité.


"Complicated Dictator": The Untold Story of the Concentration Camp Scenes from Chaplin's 1940 Hollywood Anti-Fascist Comedy That Audiences Never Saw.  Playing With/Against Fascism.  At Play in the Space Between: Literature and Culture, 1914-1945.  DePaul U, Chicago IL.  20 June 2013.  Rev. of:

  • "Complicated Dictator": The Untold Story of the Concentration Camp Scenes from Chaplin's 1940 Hollywood Anti-Fascist Comedy That Audiences Never Saw.  Seriously?! Genre, Reception, and the Politics of Cultural Value.  2013 Society for Cinema and Media Studies Conference, Chicago IL.  Accepted.
  • Complicated Dictator: The Untold Story of the Concentration Camp Scenes from Chaplin's 1940 Hollywood Anti-Fascist Comedy That Audiences Never Saw.  2011-12 IPFW Mid-Career Faculty Research Support Grant proposal (funded).


"Beasts of Burgeon: Animality in the Holocaust Menagerie."  Humans Gone Wild: Catastrophe, Inhumanity, Animality.  American Comparative Literature Association Seminar.  Brown U, Providence RI, 30 Mar. 2012.


"To Encompass the Unseeable": The Last Stage (1949) and Auschwitz in Cold War America.  Transatlantic Representations of Holocaust Cinema in the 1940s.  44th Annual Conference of the Association for Jewish Studies.  Sheraton Chicago, Chicago IL.  16 Dec. 2012. Rev. of:


"The Aggregate Dictator: Arab Uprisings, Charlie Chaplin's The Great Dictator (UA, 1940), and Peop1e.org's 'United We Rise' Mash-Up Video."  Global Voices in the 21st Century: Social Media and Change in Latin America and the Middle East.  Global Fusion Conference, Philadelphia PA, 14-16 Oct 2011.


"Just a Sad Love Story": Three Comrades (MGM, 1938) and the 1930s Hollywood Anti-Nazi Film - Paper Proposal for the 11th International F. Scott Fitzgerald Conference, Lyon, France, 6 July 2011.


Anti-Semitism and the Postwar Hollywood Social Problem Film - Paper Proposal for the 2011 Society for Cinema and Media Studies Conference, New Orleans LA, 13 Mar 2011 (accepted; pdf).


New Directions in Globalization and Film Industry History - Workshop proposal Society for Cinema and Media Studies Conferences for 2011 and 2012 (declined).


Can the Holocaust Be a Television Sitcom? "Wowschwitz," Comedy Central's The Sarah Silverman Show, and How Taste Still Matters - Position Paper for The Sitcoms Have Become Self Aware, Flow Conference 2010, Austin TX, 1 Oct. 2010.


Response to Deidre Butler, “Witness at the Blackboard: Reflections on the Phenomenon of Survivor Testimony in Canadian Schools” and Rosemary Horowitz, “Methodological Considerations for Using the Videotaped Testimony of Holocaust Survivors in the Classroom,” Teaching the Visual Image, Bearing Witness: Memory, Representation, and Pedagogy in the Post-Holocaust Age, Shenandoah U, Winchester VA, 13 Apr. 2010.


Movies, Jews, and Profits to Lose: Hollywood and the European Market Before World War II - Paper delivered for Hollywood History / Jewish History: The Past and Future of a Popular Jewish Identity, Society for Cinema and Media Studies, Westin Bonaventure, Los Angeles CA, 20 Mar 2010.


"Eichmann TV." Encoded Trauma: Crisis, Popular Media, and Audience Meaning Making. Reception Studies Society 2009 Conference. Purdue U, W. Lafayette IN, 12 Sep. 2009.


"American Holocaust: The Banality of 9/11 After the Enactment of the USA Patriot Act."  Legal Communication in Action Since 9/11/01.  National Communication Association.  New Orleans LA, 22 Nov. 2002.



Hollywood and Anti-Semitism: A Cultural History up to World War II. New York: Cambridge U P, 2001.

Reviewed in Journal of Jewish History 56.1 (2005): 170-72; Archiv für Studium der neueren Sprachen und Literaturen 240.155 (2003): 431; The Chronicle of Higher Education 1 Oct. 2004; The London Review of Books 7 Mar 2002The New Republic 21 May 2001.


Book chapter

"Immigration, Race, and Ethnicity in American Film."  Oxford Handbook of the History of American Immigration and Ethnicity.  Ron Bayor, ed.  New York NY: Oxford U P, forthcoming.

  • Included in Oxford Handbooks Online, Oct. 2014 [.pdf]


"Jew and Not-Jew: Anti-Semitism and the Postwar Hollywood Social Problem Film."  The Modern Jewish Experience in World Cinema.  Lawrence Baron, ed.  Waltham MA: Brandeis U P - U P of New England, 2011. [.pdf]


"Staying for Time: The Holocaust and Atrocity Footage in American Public Memory." Violating Time: History, Memory and Nostalgia in Cinema. Christina Lee, ed. New York NY: Continuum, 2008 (proof pdf)


"How Some Things Never Change: Britney, the Joy of Pepsi, and the Familial Gaze." A Family Affair: Cinema Comes Home. Murray Pomerance, ed. London UK: Wallflower P, 2008.


"Wretched Refuse: Watching New York Slum Films in the Aftermath of 9/11."  The City That Never Sleeps: New York and the Filmic Imagination.  Murray Pomerance, ed.  New Brunswick NJ: Rutgers U P, 2007.  Rev. of "From Street Scene to Dead End." 229-42. [.pdf]


"Mass Murder, Modernity, and the Alienated Gaze."  Cinema and Modernity.  Murray Pomerance, ed.  New Brunswick NJ: Rutgers U P, 2006. 57-73. [.pdf]


"L.I.E., The Believer, and the Sexuality of Jewish Boys." Where the Boys Are: Cinemas of Masculinity and Youth. Frances Gateward and Murray Pomerance, eds. Contemporary Film and Television Series. Detroit MI: Wayne State U P, 2005. 316-32. [.pdf]


"From 'Fucking Cops!' to 'Fucking Media!': Bonnie and Clyde (1967) for a Sixties America." Arthur Penn's Bonnie and Clyde. Lester D. Friedman, ed. Cambridge U P Film Handbooks Series. New York: Cambridge U P, 2000. [.pdf]


Article in a scholarly journal

"The Holocaust in the Text: Victor Hugo's Les Miserables and the Allegorical Film Adaptation." Film Criticism 27.1 (2002): 50-65. [.pdf]


"On the Edge of Tastelessness: The Smothers Brothers, CBS and the Struggle for Control." Cinema Journal 31.4 (1992): 3-24. [.pdf]


Paper published in conference proceedings

"Hollywood, the Holocaust, and World War II." American Judaism in Popular Culture. Studies in Jewish Civilization 17. Leonard J. Greenspoon and Ronald A. Simkins, eds. Proc. of the 17th Annual Symposium of the Klutznick Chair in Jewish Civilization-Harris Center for Judaic Studies, Creighton U, Omaha NE; U of Nebraska-Lincoln, Lincoln NE, 24-25 Oct. 2004. Omaha NE: Creighton U P; Lincoln NE: U of Nebraska P, 2006. 39-58. [.pdf]


"From Street Scene to Dead End: Hollywood and the Urban Ethnic Im[m]igrant, 1931-1937."  La Mémoire des villes / The Memory of Cities.  Proc. of La Mémoire des Villes / The Memory of Cities, University of Jean Monnet, Saint-Etienne, France, 2 May 2002.  Yves Clavaron and Bernard Dieterle, eds.  Saint-Etienne, France: Publications de l'Université de Saint-Etienne, 2003.


Published reviews of scholarly or creative work

"Son of Saul and the Crisis of Holocaust Film." Review of Son of Saul (Sony, 2015). Film Criticism 40.3 (2016). DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.3998/fc.13761232.0040.310.


Review of Hollywood and Hitler, 1933-1939.  By Thomas Doherty.  New York NY: Columbia U P, 2013.  Submitted to Jewish Film and New Media: An International Journal.


Review of Caught in the Crossfire: Adrian Scott and the Politics of Americanism in 1940s Hollywood.  By Jennifer E. Langdon.  New York NY: Columbia U P-gutenberg-e.org, 2008.  Submitted to American Studies.


Review of Screening a Lynching: The Leo Frank Case on Film and Television.  By Matthew H. Bernstein.  Athens: U of Georgia P, 2009.  Submitted to American Jewish History (html) (.pdf)


Review of Art, Culture, and Media Under the Third Reich. Edited by Richard A. Etlin. Chicago IL: Chicago University Press, 2002. Clio: A Journal of Literature, History, and the Philosophy of History 33.4 (2004): 487-93.



"2000 Presidential Election Coverage." The Encyclopedia of Television.  2nd ed.  Horace Newcomb, ed.  New York NY: Routledge, 2004.


"Luise Rainer." Jewish Women in America: An Historical Encyclopedia. Paula Hyman and Deborah Dash Moore, eds. New York: Routledge, 1997.  Revised for republication in Encyclopedia of Jewish Women: A Comprehensive Historical Encyclopedia.  Paula E. Hyman and Dalia Ofer, ed.  Jerusalem, Israel: Shalvi, in press.



Neff Hall 230 H • 2101 Coliseum Blvd E • Fort Wayne IN 46805 • 260-481-6545 • 260-481-6183 (fax) • 260-481-6825 (main) • carr@ipfw.edu

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