FrontPage | Find Out More About IPFW's MA in Professional Communication | Apply Now
The Why
Can make sense financially...
How It Reduces Taxes
American Opportunity Credit
Up to $2,500 off tax you owe
adjusted gross income less than $90/$180K
Lifetime Learning Credit
Up to $2,000 off tax you owe
adjusted gross income less than $60/$120K
Tuition and Fees Deduction |
Up to $4,000 off adjusted income |
adjusted gross income less than $80/$160K |
see IRS Publication 970
Can help you advance or provide a new opportunity, either in your career or in your education:
- See for what some of our alumni are doing
The What
Know what you want to do with the degree.
PhD / EdD
limited teaching opportunities; career advancement; preparation for doctoral degree; 1-2 years
tenure-track teaching; terminal degree based on creative work; 3-5 years; typically awarded one degree
research-intensive, tenure-track teaching; 5-7 years beyond MA; typically awarded two degrees (MA and PhD)
- The IPFW Communication Department awards an MA in Professional Communication.
Most grad programs have requirements for coursework, an additional project beyond coursework, and a comprehensive examination
Most grad programs offer competitive opportunities for support, including assistantships
Not every grad program is for you, but there is more than one grad program in Communication from which to choose:
Will a graduate program really help you achieve what you want to do?
The Where
Research where you want to go
According to Donald C. Martin, director of Graduate Admissions at Northwestern U Medill School of Journalism, "the biggest mistake prospective graduate students make is not allowing enough time to do thorough research to find the right program" (The Phoenix)
Consider going to more than one school to get your degree
Cost per Graduate Credit Hour, 2010-11
The How
Most graduate programs have detailed information on what you need to submit and how:
application, GRE, undergraduate transcript, statement of purpose, three (3) letters of reference, application fee
- Make sure your statement of purpose does what it needs to do
- explain how your goals match with what the program offers
- highlight strengths
- account for unusual circumstances
- Letters of reference should speak to academic credentials and work experience
- Incomplete applications typically do not get reviewed
Find Out More About IPFW's MA in Professional Communication | Apply Now
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