December 2011
BASED ON OAA Memorandum 99-1 Promotion and Tenure Dossier Format Guidelines
Name: Steven Alan Carr, PhD
B. Teaching
1. Credit Courses Taught (all 3 credit hours and end-of-semester enrollment)
Session |
Course Prefix and Number |
Course Title |
Enroll |
Max |
Spring 2011 |
COM 330 |
Theories of Mass Media |
17 |
30 |
COM 421 |
Media Genres
One grad student enrolled in this course under a different course number.
4/1 |
30 |
INTL I200 |
Intro to International Studies (Media and Globalization section) |
36 |
36 |
Fall 2011 |
COM 330 |
Theories of Mass Media |
15 |
30 |
COM 527 |
Introduction to Cultural Studies |
21 |
20 |
INTL I200 |
Intro to International Studies (Media and Globalization section) |
40 |
40 |
2. Other Courses Taught
3. Student Evaluations of Credit and Noncredit Courses (linked below)
4. Peer Comments on Credit and Noncredit Teaching
5. Contributions to Course and Curriculum Development
- Taught COM 527 Introduction to Cultural Studies for the first time.
- Named an IPFW Campus Blackboard Faculty Fellow for 2012-14.
6. Publications and Productions Related to Teaching
7. Unpublished Work Related to Teaching
- Presentation of work in progress, "Beyond Triumph of the Will: Teaching Holocaust Media Literacy in the Age of YouTube" for the Belfer First Step Midwest Regional Conference, hosted at IPFW by the Institute for Holocaust and Genocide Studies, 15 Apr. 2011. Rev. of presentation to Belfer Next Step Indianapolis Regional Conference, Indianapolis IN, 29 June 2010.
- Tips for Taking a Sabbatical, RE: Visioning Your Sabbatical: Reaping Rewards in All Its Stages. RE:Visioning U. The IPFW Fall 2011 Teaching Conference, Fort Wayne IN, 18 Aug. 2011.
8. Student Research Direction
In the past year, I have chaired six graduate advisory committees, in addition to serving on numerous other graduate advisory committees.
9. Grants for Teaching Improvement
10. Student Academic Advising
In the past year, I have advised almost 60 students. Most, though not all, have been graduate students. In my capacity as Graduate Program Director in Communication, I maintain and update the website, an important repository for information related to the graduate program. I have pioneered the use of blogs, wikis, and other social media to keep students updated about upcoming dates and items of interest.
11. Institutions, Workshops, conference, Expositions, and Other Programs Attended
12. Teaching Awards
Named an IPFW Campus Blackboard Faculty Fellow for 2012-14, a two year commitment to assist the campus as it transitions from Blackboard Vista to Blackboard Learn.
13. Other Evidence of Teaching Effectiveness
C. Research and creative endeavor
1. Publications
"Jew and Not-Jew: Anti-Semitism and the Postwar Hollywood Social Problem Film." The Modern Jewish Experience in World Cinema. Lawrence Baron, ed. Waltham MA: Brandeis U P, 2011.
Review of Screening a Lynching: The Leo Frank Case on Film and Television. By Matthew H. Bernstein. Athens: U of Georgia P, 2009. American Jewish History, in press.
Historical Advisor, State of Deception: The Power of Nazi Propaganda, U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum, Washington DC, February 2009 – December 2011,
2. Unpublished Work Related to Research and Creative Endeavor
"Beasts of Burgeon: Animality in the Holocaust Menagerie." Paper proposal for Humans Gone Wild: Catastrophe, Inhumanity, Animality. American Comparative Literature Association Seminar. Brown U, Providence RI, 29 Mar. - 1 Apr. 2012 (accepted).
"The Aggregate Dictator: Arab Uprisings, Charlie Chaplin's The Great Dictator (UA, 1940), and's 'United We Rise' Mash-Up Video." Global Voices in the 21st Century: Social Media and Change in Latin America and the Middle East. Global Fusion Conference, Philadelphia PA, 14-16 Oct 2011.
Art Films and the Politics of Taste. Panel Proposal for the 2012 Society for Cinema and Media Studies Conference, Boston MA, Mar 2012 (accepted).
"Just a Sad Love Story": Three Comrades (MGM, 1938) and the 1930s Hollywood Anti-Nazi Film - Paper Proposal for the 11th International F. Scott Fitzgerald Conference, Lyon, France, 6 July 2011.
"Hollywood, Foreign Films, and the Birth of the Holocaust Film" - National Cinemas, Global Meanings. 9th Annual Cultural Studies Association Conference, Chicago IL, 26 Mar 2011 (accepted; pdf).
Anti-Semitism and the Postwar Hollywood Social Problem Film - Paper Proposal for the 2011 Society for Cinema and Media Studies Conference, New Orleans LA, 13 Mar 2011 (accepted; pdf).
New Directions in Globalization and Film Industry History - Workshop proposal organized for the 2011 Society for Cinema and Media Studies Conference, New Orleans LA, 10-13 March 2011 (declined; resubmitted to the 2012 Conference).
"Eichmann TV and the Globalization of Holocaust Memory." The Eichmann Trial as Media Event. The Eichmann Trial in International Perspective: Impact, Developments, and Challenges. Berlin, Germany, 26 May 2011.
"Hollywood, Nazism, and Globalization: Popular Culture and the Birth of the Holocaust Film, 1933-1945." The American Jewish Archives Loewenstein-Wiener Research Fellowship Seminar. Cincinnati OH, 16 May 2011.
3. Research and Creative Endeavor in Progress
Applied for the 2012 Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences Academy Film Scholars Program to continue research on Chaplin's The Great Dictator using material held in Switzerland, Italy, and the U.S. This research began during Summer 2011 in Bologna, Italy. This research will become part of the book project in progress, exploring Hollywood's response to Nazism and the Holocaust. This project will serve as the centerpiece of my case for promotion to full.
4. Grant Acquisition and Current Grant Proposals
- Received IPFW Senior Faculty Summer Grant for Summer 2012
- Jacob Rader Marcus Center of the American Jewish Archives Loewenstein-Wiener Fellowship, May 2011
5. Institutes, Workshops, Conferences, Expositions and Other Programs Attended
6. Peer Comments on Research and Creative Endeavor
7. Other Evidence of Effectiveness in Research and Creative Endeavor
D. Service
1. University service
a. System level
- Campus Representative to Purdue University Graduate Council, 2010-11.
- Member, New Task Force to review policy for combined degree programs, Purdue University Graduate Council for 2010-11
b. IPFW level
- Member, Omnibus Lecture Series
- Member, Instructional Technology Co-Ordinating Committee
c. School level
- Member, UC2 Lecture Series Planning
d. Department level
- Chair, Communication/Journalism Search Committee, 2011-12
- Member, Curriculum Committee (ex-officio), 2010-11
- Member, Promotion, Tenure, and Sabbatical Committee, 2010-11
- Chair, Communication P&T Committee, 2010-11
- Member, Ad-Hoc Media Group Committee, 2010-11
- Library Liaison, 2010-11
- Chair, Faculty Assistance Committees for Art Herbig, Assem Nasr, and Wei “Kitty” Luo, 2010-11
e. Service to Student Organizations or Activities
Faculty Advisor to the IPFW F.I.L.M. Club and Windsong Film Festival, 2010-11
4. Community service
c. Publications and/or presentations for lay audiences
Introduction for filmmaker Sandra Schulberg and Nuremberg: Its Lesson for Today, Cinema Center Downtown, Fort Wayne IN, 15 Sep. 2011. I organized this entire event for the Institute for Holocaust and Genocide Studies, which had matching funding from Temple Achduth Vesholom.
Panelist for 9/11: Reflections on 10 Turbulent Years. University Community Conversation (UC2) 7 Sept. 2011. Indiana U - Purdue U Fort Wayne.
Introduction for filmmaker Rex Bloomstein, 4 Apr. 2011. I organized this screening of This Prison Where I Live, in which we screened the film and brought the filmmaker, for the Institute for Holocaust and Genocide Studies.
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